


Holy crap. I really really like bingo.
I love the Plummers. I want to be a family like them one day.


mine's not a high horse

Last night brenda, jolene and i went out and treated ourselves to ah-maz-zing dinner at the melting pot (they set our chocolate on fire). Every Tuesday they have this "girls night out" deal (ladies, let do this at least once a month). it was so nice to just hang out and talk over fundue. we somehow got on the topic of plastic surgery and how we think God feels about it.
Where is the line drawn between sin and acceptable? is it out of self-esteem/confidence or vanity? i think obviously if there is a health benefit (ex: cant breathe through nose, cleft pallet, gastric bypass, etc.) then people are quick to excuse that. i am one of those people too. i do believe God does heal people through prayer. but isn't Him giving us talented doctors a blessing for us as well? haha
whats the difference (besides the obvious) in getting breast implants and straightening your teeth with braces? lip injection and wearing make up? or working out at the gym and losing weight? tattoos and piercings? buying fashionable clothes, jewelry and doing your hair?
is it because one is more invasive than the other that makes it a sin? or just because its more socially acceptable to wear make up and diet than have plastic surgery?
i think if the heart of it isn't glorifying God then yes, that's when it turns into sin. you are idolizing yourself.
i have heard many women quick to judge someone who has had work done when we should be loving on these people. women who are the first to condemn surgery but have tattoos, piercings and who are heavy handed with make up. how are you any different? obviously these weren't comfortable in their skin for some reason. what about the people who do it for confidence and not to be flashy or that whole "look at me"? i guess i don't see whats so wrong with person doing something to lift their self esteem if its not hurting anyone or taking attention away from God.
like my view on tattoos is pretty much the same. yes your body is a temple. but even churches have stained glass windows. they make them look beautiful in the name of God. why cant i do that on my own body? im just decorating my temple for Him.
anyhoo, i think i have rambled enough here. i would love to hear your thoughts so please share.

i'll be discussing my views on being gay tomorrow.

i kid. i kid.
...unless you really care to know haha

oh, and this is all in a loving even tone. i know that that can get lost in translation being that you are reading this and not hearing



I have faith in God. That He exists. That He loves me.
I have faith in His plan. In His reasoning. That He will continue to be my supply.
I have faith in where He leads me.
I have faith in my hard works. in my giving. in my choices. in my moves. in my steps.
I have faith in love. In people. In friends. In strangers.
I hope He has faith in me.
I am blessed sinner. I am loved sinner. and I am completely dumbfounded to the how and why.

so many many paths to go down lately. and just when i think its all clear, i get a dream or vision of something that looks more appealing. im afraid this might just be all in fear. gets me every time. but now not doing anything is something i fear more than failure.

-i joined facebook
-bought a bunch of sweet stuff from etsy
-linds might be moving in sooner than april!
-tom hanks is charming
-booked a trip to san francisco
-just discovered how good lil wayne is! (ya, i know im a lil late)
-introduced to black metal... so theatrical
-i miss grilled cheese sandwiches, rain, and natalie.


moving to seattle?

so i just heard talk in the office of them opening a branch in Seattle. i immediately raise my hand and yell, "DIBS! i wanna run that one!"
i work for my family. a couple very successful stainless steel companies that my grandpa (papa) started and that my mom, uncle and aunt run now.

they are such a tease.

just found this video on another blog and thought it was hilarious. the parallels for Forrest gump and Benjamin button. they are written by the same dude.

movie industry,
who are you kidding? you need me.
yours truly


You've been caught...

... on candice-camera!
my new Fuji instant camera came in on Friday! i got 10 packs of film with it too! thanks eBay. with much restraint i only allowed myself to take 20 pictures this weekend. here's a few i could show:
get it? "cheater sticks"? mark stickney? using cheater sticks as SGC? haha
oh, puns... always fun.

so with the new year i decided i should start working out again (not a resolution. no resolutions this year) and so i signed up a week and a half ago at this gym Jolene goes to and i was loving it. lost 5 lbs already. so on Saturday Jojo, Debi and i head on down there and that's when they tell us they are closing down that afternoon. womp, womp. i was actually bummed out about it. and since it was our last day there we decided to use the gym to its fullest potential and had so much fun! my abs are still sore. so now i am going to sign up at 24hr fitness and have to work out around men again. oh well... the all women's gym was nice while it lasted.
and yesterday, you all experienced the beautiful day that was yesterday. i loved it. it was what Sundays should be... woke up early-ish and read some, chipotle lunch with the guys, Geoff and i playing on our guitars, bike ride around corona, baking, netflix, baking. last night i attempted to make apple pie from scratch. didn't turn out like the picture but its still very tasty. i made two pies so please stop by the sheshack and lets have a piece. you bring the vanilla ice cream. i also baked some sugar cookies but Geoff ate half of them right out of the oven. my plan to fatten him up is going smoothly...
i picked up the guitar again this week. my finger tips aren't used to it anymore so they hate me.
im selling my bike as well. ive decided to trade Kingsley up for a road bike so i can keep up with everyone on bike rides. its got low miles, newish tires, no scuffs from when i fell that one time, and i just got the interior reupholstered. He's going for $350 obo. any takers?

out with the old. in with the new.


good night

we went out to MacGrill tonight to see off Mike, again, for reals this time.
in a team effort (assist by jason) we got lindsey the most awkward table side serenade. yes, he sang Mrs. Dion's "Because you love me"

she looks pissed

best $5 ive spent in a while
but i made it up to her for being such a good sport.

cant wait to have her move in


easier done than said

so yesterday was a "goodbye" of sorts.
mike was supposed to be leaving corona today but was paid $250 to stay till Saturday. no, not from me. he's cute but not $250 worth of cute. So we all said our "byes" last night and on Monday and then today he tells me that he's staying till the weekend. yay!
mikes very breast conscious

and the other bye was for Daniel Martinez. Daniel was the youth pastor at south hills church but stepped away yesterday. it was pretty sucky at the service thinking about how much love and passion he put in there. but i know its not going to waste and the kids there are proof. i have so much love for him and amy(his wife). Daniel is the one who literally threw me into youth the day after i asked him about what youth leaders do. he baptized me about a year and a half ago and i could always talk to him or amy about whatever without them getting self righteous on me because they are such easy going people. just bums me out that i wont be running into them as much anymore but God must be needing them somewhere else.

self realization: i suck at saying bye. whether its "goodbye" or just a "see-ya". i would rather avoid them altogether most times and i dont know why. i get awkward and dont know what to say.... like it needs to be profound or something, and do i hug them or high five-wave thing? yeah, im not a closer. i can start a conversation, like a real conversation, not just small chat, but i cant close.

in other news:
- now that i am on my last in final Polaroid pack, i bought a new instant camera. its a fuji and it prints out instant pictures the size of a business card. looks like better quality but we shall see.

- got my brand spankin' new macbook! im excited! but don't worry i will keep the photo booth pics to a absolute minimum. and now i don't have to get out of bed to use the computer! laziness is what motivates technology to flourish. im still keeping my PC because its been completely upgraded with better parts and stuff through the 6+ years i've had it and it has lots of editing and design software on it that is irreplaceable at this time. does it make me a geek for getting computer parts and such for the past 2 Christmas's?

- why is applying for a university so effing tedious?
3 applications, 6 essays, 2 letters of recommendation, and 1 two min video... all for ONE school. but they're totally worth it. so i should shutit.


the year that was...

just thought it would be cool to have a picture recap of my last year. most of these were just pictures i found on my back-up online. i still have a roll of film from my holga that needs to be developed that has A LOT of cool photos on it from October on. for some reason i seem to be very selective with my film so much so that its taken me months to fill a 36 exposure roll (and i think that since i only seem to get out at night doesn't help either). Polaroids didn't make the cut either. but you get the gist of it. this year was good to me.
they just keep getting better and better really.
so i hope you enjoy and that you had a very merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or simply just a few weeks.
sorry i've been pretty absent here. i've been busy i guess. but not "busy" in the negative connotation. i mean "busy" in the best way possible.

welcome, 2009.
i have a feeling you are going to have more in store for me than i think i can handle. bring it.
always in all ways,

in the beginning...2008 (click images to see larger)

front porch love seat loungin

chris and es wrestling


bob's bon voyage party




es and i were the only ones at retreat to go outside and play while it snowed in arrowhead

kirk running around in his unmentionables up at heathers house


these boys know how to party

day after bambi turned 21


rachelle got hitched

brian jumps

i jump

he wants to be like us

guy love

asian tourists


the weird cable guy that hung around all day

cinco de mustachio





oh, mike


we were so excited we finally moved in that we jumped off furniture


mom got hitched in hawaii

team hotpants



tones' phallic chicken strips


jesse's the man







the only nice picture of my mom, brother, and i


happy halloween from dland

ghost hunting



parking lot picnics

2nd annual dodge ball tourney

dinner time serenades

finding jasons glasses


decorating the tree. and heath






relieving himself on my g-ma's neighbors yard

my first time shooting trav's M1.
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