

Happy Birthday Natalie

Last weekend was Natalie (natorii, natsnap, natatatat) 25th birthday!
(shes handling the QLC much better than i am)
on Saturday we put on our ponchos and rubbah boots and went to Disneyland. Haven t been there in months, which felt like forever and had so much fun! the rain had scared all the crowds away and the longest line was like 15mins.
photo 21
sleeping on tower of terror. except for nat.
photo 31
amelia and nat lovin on the muppet man

then on sunday night 25+ of us feasted at Lucille's
(check out debi getting into it)
photo 51

and a close up of (the best looking cupcakes ive ever made) the cupcakes i made for her:
photo 61

i love natalie. she is one of the most beautiful soul + person ive ever met. loyal to a fault to her family, friends and God. always making you laugh. shes always been there for me since ive known her and im so blessed to have her as one of my closets friends.


Debi said...


Natalie Strickland said...

HAHA i just laughed so hard at the tower picture. DOH! you're the best, love ya sista!

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