

"DOYERS!" (dodgers)

joanna and i surprised the guys with tickets to a dodgers game. 
geoffs a major fan and hates the angels so i figured i owed him one.
left field bleacher seats with no one sitting in front of us
apparently we were sitting in a rowdy section. there are 6 security standing in the picture and by the 7th inning everyone around us had been kicked out. people really hated Lee the left fielder from the Astros and they really loved their beer. 
the Bermuda's (ryan's "DOYERS" = dodgers en español)
a skinny, foot long, dodger dog. very anti climatic.
the Brouillette's
joanna: "meow!"
all in all, dodgers games are WAY different than angels games:
  • people: not many blondes. lots of cussing. not really a family friendly event but you if you were a dodger fan you were part of a family.hence all the dodgers "my town" ads. everyone there was screaming/booing.
  • stadium: not as clean, bench seating in our section was painful, easier to find your seat though but couldnt see if we were on the megatron (you know youre always looking for yourself on there too...), and dealing with LA traffic and parking was a bitch. 
  • team: dodgers are way more entertaining to watch! hands down. homer in the first. a lot more runs, hits, and the players were actually engaging with the crowd more than the angels.and they have G.A.! he was my favorite angel player but he stunk last night.
if only the doyers were closer!

1 comment:

Natalie Strickland said...

looks like someone is trading their red in for blue. ;)

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