mike was supposed to be leaving corona today but was paid $250 to stay till Saturday. no, not from me. he's cute but not $250 worth of cute. So we all said our "byes" last night and on Monday and then today he tells me that he's staying till the weekend. yay!
mikes very breast conscious
and the other bye was for Daniel Martinez. Daniel was the youth pastor at south hills church but stepped away yesterday. it was pretty sucky at the service thinking about how much love and passion he put in there. but i know its not going to waste and the kids there are proof. i have so much love for him and amy(his wife). Daniel is the one who literally threw me into youth the day after i asked him about what youth leaders do. he baptized me about a year and a half ago and i could always talk to him or amy about whatever without them getting self righteous on me because they are such easy going people. just bums me out that i wont be running into them as much anymore but God must be needing them somewhere else.
self realization: i suck at saying bye. whether its "goodbye" or just a "see-ya". i would rather avoid them altogether most times and i dont know why. i get awkward and dont know what to say.... like it needs to be profound or something, and do i hug them or high five-wave thing? yeah, im not a closer. i can start a conversation, like a real conversation, not just small chat, but i cant close.
in other news:
- now that i am on my last in final Polaroid pack, i bought a new instant camera. its a fuji and it prints out instant pictures the size of a business card. looks like better quality but we shall see.
- got my brand spankin' new macbook! im excited! but don't worry i will keep the photo booth pics to a absolute minimum. and now i don't have to get out of bed to use the computer! laziness is what motivates technology to flourish. im still keeping my PC because its been completely upgraded with better parts and stuff through the 6+ years i've had it and it has lots of editing and design software on it that is irreplaceable at this time. does it make me a geek for getting computer parts and such for the past 2 Christmas's?
- why is applying for a university so effing tedious?
3 applications, 6 essays, 2 letters of recommendation, and 1 two min video... all for ONE school. but they're totally worth it. so i should shutit.
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