

Happy halloweenie

Tea cuuuup madness



Dinner Time

You may not be able to tell but she's feeding her young under there. its called "the hooter hider". seriously.


i guess i've always been a "C" student

71 out of 100%

you can click on the image to blow it up

Come on sweet November

so i haven't posted anything in a week. let me recap:

- i paid off all my debt. that's right, last Friday i was no longer in debt to this world. heck yesss

- celebrated with Kelsey for her 21st in San Diego

yeah, i brought out the guns

- my moms puppy is arriving on Friday. I'm pretty stoked. especially since i don't have to live with him and deal with all that potty training business.

- ended one of the longest relationships i have ever had. i sold my truck :'(
yeah i was way bummed to see her go. I've had it for just about 7 years and never gave me trouble. cleaning it out was kinda cool though. i found old notes passed from friends, paycheck stubs, clothes, books, and even a word on the street bible?!
"First off, nothing. No light, no time, no substance, no matter. Second off, God starts it all off and WHAP! Stuff everywhere! Genesis 1:1"
good stuff.

- bought my very own vehicle. all in my name. in cash. heck yessss

- jank car detailing on our chipotle Tuesday's

- i think im in love with people at tithemi. amazing church.

- going to visit my family in Colorado around thanksgiving.

- November is almost here. thank goodness. with it brings cooler weather, time change, and my favorite month of them all. also has my favorite numerical day, 11/11. its going to be a romantic month. i can tell.

- GUSH ZONE: you've been warned...
on his way to surprise me with a picnic in between my classes, Geoff's bike chain broke a few buildings away from my class. ruining the surprise, he texts for help and tells me he has been slowly eating the food he packed for us hahah... so freaking sweet


because sometimes "scholarship pageants" are really just beauty pageants

On my quest to figure out who i should vote for a friend directed me to this. i saw this and thought it was hilarious and that i should share it with you.

side note:, where have you been all my life?



So i got a text from my old boss at ABD this morning saying that i should give him a call when i can.
i used to do all the bookkeeping for autobahn designs, about a year to the day, so i wasn't sure what it was about. when i talked to Jason, the owner, he tells me how they had to close the business down on Friday. i was really shocked to hear that it was closing down because this is a company that had been in business for ...well... i don't know how many years exactly (i think close to 14 years) but they were well established in the car industry. i remember in high school seeing abd stickers and parts on vw's and Audi's on the road all the time. everything is in Jason's name he is going to lose just about everything, in his name, to the bank. see they had a couple of lines of credit with the bank and instead of getting a annual renewal from the bank that they usually get every year, they got a bill.
it seems with the way the economy is going (and since the government is willing to bail out all the banks) the bank decided to end those lines of credit that they depended on. you can expect to see this happening with a lot of small businesses these days. when the business, that the banks gave these loans to, cant repay them the government will pay the bank the money that they "lost". mean while since abd cant pay the bank back Jason has to file for bankruptcy.
I'm not saying this is all the government's fault, but i do think that if the banks had not been given an easy out this wouldn't be happening as much as it is right now.
its an all around crappy situation to say the least.

to lighten the mood a bit here are a few pics i took off my cell:

Matt's new mxpx tattoo from the talented Geoffrey

eat that sugar packet up loser!

flame wrist tattoo.
really, BofA?


rain storm

Or a broken sprinkler washing ghoff's truck haha


Because pictures couldn't do that swing justice

The one armed swing from geoffrey.
Cammie did better than what evidence shows.
Matt dominating.
Grayson shagging balls for heath.
and I'm a pro. Naturally.

Since when did you have to rent tees?
Now riding to irvine. I'm a "solid girlfriend" -collin
The night is young.
To be continued...

"Its friiiidayyyy night and the feelings right"...(aww remember tgif?)
Nicoles sister had her baby and both are healthy


kids these days

sorry for the crappy quality of the picture. i just saw this kid and thought it was ridiculous and funny. he is riding on his scooter while chatting it up on a cell phone. and he looks like he is only 8. tops.
could be worse, i guess. he could be texting.


not ew.

my friend Brian sent me an email of this picture he took of the giant Ganaul Lumber billboard one day as he was going into work. they always have something clever or funny on it for a week or so.

its funny.
and true.


Mike's New Path Monday's

So for the past few weeks or so my brilliant, handsome, and single (wink wink ladies) friend Mike has been, like so many of us, trying to figure out what to do for the rest of his life. So like any wise person would do he runs his suggestions by me(ya right, i know i know).
Mike isn't just some over idealistic fool. But a deep searcher of God's will and champion of ultimate good. though a case can be made for both.
This is the list thus far:

9.12.08 - US Diplomat:
what it is: someone who goes to other countries and deals with foreign government on behalf of the US and helps decide foreign policy
-to help impoverished nations
-you may have to push policies you don't agree with
-would in a sense feel as if you were serving 2 masters

10.6.08 -run a non profit shelter:
job description: house, feed and teach the homeless and help them
-what he loves in the name of Jesus
-working with people
-flexible hours
-no boss
-doesn't know how to run a non profit

10.13.08 - masters in international development:
what it is:
international development is trying to pull impoverished communities out of their destructive cycles. it's what pretty much any aid agency does
example: hope international, mercy ships, red cross, international justice mission, disaster relief stuff
-doing what he loves/helping others
-stay tuned.

pray and fast, my friend. pray and fast.

real recent praises:
Matt is still in school.
Brenda took one huge step outta debt.
Geoffrey is a working man.
cold weather this weekend.
my math teacher drops my lowest test score.
new Copeland is on their space.

real recent prayer requests:
that we stay God centered.
we can balance school and work and whatever else you got on your plate.
some big plans happening next year(mmm...).
that love finds you too.
for my math skills.


The Birds

Driving through the back roads of chino.


Dang it!

They caught on


Electric Bill

yep. that says, $1,708.74 for our electricity. eff you california edison.


whats up hoodie weather?

i changed the look of the blog again. i got bored of the dots. so i changed the background and then something in the html was wrong so i changed it again. and the last one couldnt hold very wide pictures. but this one can. so i may keep it.

anyhoo, this weekend was funtastic and non stop. yessss...finallyyyy. i was getting so bored around here running over opossoms and whatnot.

fas-shion show! fas-shion show! fas-shion show (at lunch)!

except we were in a club in hollyweird. the three of us in flannel of some sort and jason in a tie. it was cool to see nat and jason put together the fashion show in about an hour and half of craziness and models running late. geoff almost had to step in. he's in denile but i think he secretly wanted to.
nat and jason took us to swingers. good food. crabby service. but hey i'd probably be the same way if i were serving at 2am too.

it was rainy and cold out there. i loved it. i like that you can pretty go anywhere and do whatever you want so late/early in LA. not just dennys and walmart. but i dont think i would want to live there. too many people. i would for sure run someone over with a car.

got home around 3 or 330. my alarm went off at 6 for the yard sale. but me getting up that early wasn't happening. i couldn't even function. got up around 7 (because 3.5 hrs of sleep is just enough) and set up shop.
people never cease to amaze me. im selling $300+ dresses and they want to bargain it from $15 to $5. and i, of course, say sure whatever. and then they don't even take it! haha whatevs.

then went straight to work and i took this picture..... its debi leading worship but from this camera angle it looks likes some is grabbing her. creeeeeppy and funny.

later it was time for Burn. 24hr of worship in redlands. sleeping giant played from 3am-5am at tithemi. tommy wasn't there but it never felt like something was missing. God was present and we all sang along. it was intimate.
got home at 6am this time but we couldn't sleep. circadian rhythms :/

got my other foot tattooed and now my feet are finished. joe is an amazing tattoo artist.
vegged and watched some cod4
then went to the furnace relaunch.
there were tons of people. and by tons i mean like over 100. which is a lot from the last time i went. i was really happy so many people heard about it and came. afterward was a nice hang out sesh.

mix master spidey 3

fricklet being a good sport

heather and graysons matchie tats.

this is a picture of how i won free chipotle.



Yard sale

On 2.5 hrs of sleep. No bueno.

Where I come from we call this war

Jason drank all of geoffrey's coke
Geoffrey shanked jasons burger with his fingers.
But sshhhh... he doesn't know. Yet.



broken hallelujah

i cant help but cry when i see other are.

my grandma's funeral is in a few hours. i miss her even more knowing she isn't here anymore but knowing she is with Jesus really sooths all our souls. i've never been to a joyous feeling funeral before. i mean, yes we are crying and sad but we all are happy she isn't in pain anymore and she lived a wonderful life and we know where she is at now.
to Margie "Nanny" Ciarletta. a woman who loves God and knows Jesus, who would give everything she had to help anyone, and was the best wife, mom and grandma.

i love her.
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